Monday, December 11, 2006

Did you vote for this guy???

"Israeli policy in the West Bank represented instances of apartheid worse even that those that once held sway in South Africa." Our good friend Jimmy Carter has dedicated a book to the cause of the Palestinian people. He discusses his opinions on the correct path to peace in Israel.

His finger clearly points to those big nosed bullies.

I wonder if Jimmy's opinions would have been swayed if he could have heard what went on behind closed doors this week with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Probably not!

They both had similar goals towards peace though. "Israel will never have peace until they agree to withdraw [from the territories]." Jimmy states that this is the real answer to real peace in the region. I'm not sure if Ismail and Mahmoud agree though.

When Ismail and Mahmoud came out of this closed meeting they made a few things pretty clear. Israel still does not exist and we will continue to kill their innocent woman and children as we always have done before.

Jimmy do you think behind those doors they discussed a particular border in which they would truly recognize us? Did they discuss any peaceful remedy to the situation? Or maybe did they bless each other and wish each other success on their similar plot of wiping out this nation once and for all?

I guess I wouldn't be so surprised of the ignorance of the leader of the KKK. I also wouldn't be surprised at such anti-Semitism from certain leaders in Europe. How could the previous President of The United States come to these conclusions with all the information at his hands?

Makes you think! Maybe those big nosed bullies are really the aggressors? Maybe our cousins in the West Bank and Azza really are looking for peaceful solutions? Maybe if we let down all the fences and borders they would come running at us with roses, and not knives and bombs? It’s all out of frustration of their current situation? Deep down they want to live side by side in peace for future generations? Maybe, Why not? Jimmy says so!


At 1:38 PM, Blogger Kalman Rushdie said...

Jimmy Carter's a hick from the South pretending to understand big words like "apartheid."

Or maybe he does understand the term. If you want to see apartheid today, Carter's home state of Georgia would be a good place to start. Maybe, if they'd put away those conferate flags already...

At 4:52 AM, Blogger Mandi said...

Nu, when are you going to write something new? ;-)

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At 7:07 PM, Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...


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