Wednesday, June 07, 2006

a momentary lapse of memory

There are those commercials that will remain in my head forever. There are songs that I learned as a kid that I will never forget. Phone numbers of friends that I had when I was in grade school are still engraved in my memory. 822-6440 Matt Munger, 822-4221 Kerry Winterrowd, 821-6548 Susie Ridenhour.

I can sing just about every Christmas song backwards and forwards and I'm Jewish!!! Those commercials "my bologna has a first name its....," "I'm a pepper your a pepper wouldn't you like to be a pepper too...," and the various McDonalds ones, I got them all down.

Who can't remember the theme song to the Brady Bunch? Gilligan's Island??? I can still remember the "Pledge of Allegiance" I haven't had to say it for over 25 years!!

So why is it when it comes to important things I can't remember them for the life of me. I haven't remembered my parents birthday's for years!! I'm always a week late for Mother's and Father's day. Two years ago I didn't realize it was my own birthday till I went to sleep that night. I always get confused whenever I try and remember my social security number. I can't remember people's names a second after they tell me!!

In Israel practically everything that you do here you have to use your ID number. If you were to offer me a million dollars for that nine digit number I couldn't do it. OOOH But if you want my buddy Matt's number that I haven't called in 20 years, no problem!

Here's the kicker of all kickers!! A few years ago I had to take my ex-wife's mother back to the airport to go home. No, we don't speak a common language. At the security check point they thought this was a little suspicious. Why would I be taking her to the airport when I can't even speak her language? As a final security question they asked me my kids names. I drew a complete blank!! I forgot my kids names!! It took me a few minutes to decollate their names. By that time I don't think the security lady was too convinced. In short her mom had to go through the ringer!! She didn't understand why she was cornered out!!! I shrugged my shoulders as if I didn't know why either. How do you describe to someone that you just forgot your kids names even in your own language??

In learning Torah, we work so hard to figure it out. If you don't review it a few hundred times you lose it almost as if you never had it in the first place. But those commercials, Christmas songs, and old phone numbers, I got them down cold!!! What's up with that??


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