Monday, January 16, 2006

and just like that...there were nine!

"If I ever see you flipping anyone off I will rip off your finger." I don't remember how old I was at the time, maybe 12 or so. The fear that my mom put in me that day stays with me to this moment. I can safely say that I still have the middle finger on both of my hands. I have been tempted many times to use them though, but the risk of course is way to great!!

Its funny how certain lessons are learned. I know I have sat with my sons and tried discussing certain issues. They seem to be paying attention, but maybe its the unplanned lessons that stay with them forever. The lessons learned on how to deal with other drivers when they pull out in front of you. The lessons learned on how to react to a large vessel slamming down on your small toe, and which words to use to relive the immediate pain. The lessons learned to how to react when fine china takes a flight off the table and lands on the soft Israeli floors. These I believe are the ones that stick in their heads!!

When my mom picked us up from school that day, one of the bad kids opted on using his finger to describe how he felt about his friend at the time. That's when she gave us that lesson. I remember walking to the car and imagining my finger being ripped off, the blood gushing everywhere, the pain! That stuck.

Even after leaving home, in my college days, the lesson stayed with me. In those moments of desire or need to use it, there was always that fear that my mother was right around the corner ready to rip it off. Even in the car driving alone, the moment would arise, I would always hold back. You see mothers have special powers. There is always that possibility that she could be there, even when you don't see her. Worse yet, she would see it from a distance or hear about it from a friend, and just like that, without any warning, off with the finger!!!

Albeit I am far from perfect, but in those similar situations I try to teach the best lesson possible. When they pull out in front of you almost knocking you off the road, I yell out a "what the heeeeeeelcccck are you doing! you not so nice person!" and when that vessel falls on my toe "fuuuuuuuuuuuucggggee" and the flying china "nnnnnnnnnnoooaazel tov." Those are those true tests in life to see how you react as a parent and what type of lesson you teach.


At 9:04 PM, Blogger MC Aryeh said...

Another great post. Sounds like you were a really good kid, and I know you are a great dad....


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