If you believe in Fairies... than clap your hands
Something is a little strange here. There comes a time in everyone's life where they realize that it was really their parents who put the money under the pillow, and not the tooth fairy. At some point we find out that the Bogey man doesn't really exist. At a certain age we find out the true facts about that fat guy with the red and white costume who keeps showing up all over the place with the flying deer and slay. Most people find out about these things at a very young age.
If you would find an adult who still believed in these things, probably you would have him committed. How about huge groups of people? Countries? Well... Ready for a whopper?
Now I'm not sure which is worse, so I will present both sides. Israel is very upset, hurt, and downright angry!! "We demand that you recognize us!!" She proclaims to the disbelievers out there. She may not have a slay, wand, or any flying deer, but she can bring lots of proof of her existence. She even has a flag. She can present all types of various food wrappers that say right on the package 'made in Israel.' She can present to you all types of maps that show all her roads and places of interest. There are even millions of people that will even stand up for her to state that they live there, they even have special cards that they carry with them at all times, with the name "Israel" written on them. It's just not fair! How can they not believe in me?
Now I've never been to the North Pole, but neither has Santa. Now maybe I'm a little naive but I do believe in the North Pole, but not in Santa. Israel??? Give me proff. If you look at all their maps and all their websites you will find that Israel really doesn't exist. With all the technology today who's to say that really Israel only exists in a Hollywood studio in California? OK it doesn't go that far you say, fine! Is it any worse than stating that you don't accept the scientific proofs that the world is round? How could such a large group of people and even countries still hold as part of their official charters that Israel does not exist?
Maybe if we beg hard enough, give them more land, release more prisoners with blood on their hands, give them more guns, more money, more training, than maybe, just maybe they will believe in us one day.
You mean Santa isn't real?!?
I'm paying taxes to somebody, that's for sure.
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