Young, Gifted, and Black
My first introduction to music came to me in the start of my 3rd grade, from a rare find in the garbage bins of the town dump area. Upon throwing our bags of goodies in, my parents noticed a rather large box of record albums. They were in perfect condition! Who would do such a thing? We of course took them, and I was thus introduced to the world of music.
There were The Doors, The Beetles, The Mama's and The Papa's, Steely Dan, Barbara Streisand, Barry Manilow, and much much more. My first go was on a Beetle's album. I still remember the green apple on the record going around and around. I was't too impressed though. I did like the song about an Octupus and his garden. I don't know if I liked the music per se, I just felt that it was such a cool idea to sing about an Octupus. I tried a few more albums, but none of them really did it for me.
Than I experienced the Doors 'Waiting For The Sun.' Hello I love you.... Love Street... Wow! I played it over and over again for weeks. I was moved! I felt what music was.
At school that week all the kids were talking about their favorite bands. Everyone of course said "Kiss." I agreed!! I mean who ever heard of The Doors. I had to find out who "Kiss" was though. I begged my parents. "Why do you need more albums, we have a whole chest full upstairs." I did finally get a Kiss album for my birthday. I listened to the whole thing, I wasn't too impressed. After all it wasn't The Doors!!!
Later in life most of my music influences came from my brother. He introduced me to Pink Floyd by convincing me the only way to listen to this one particular song was by laying on your back and placing two rather large speakers on both sides of your head. After that I was hooked!! That is until he introduced me to The Grateful Dead. All the other bands now fell by the wayside. Lets just say I saw a few shows, the best of course were with my brother.
I am trying to limit though my children's exposure to secular music somewhat. I do make mistakes though from time to time. On the way home from school yesterday I played this really groovy blues song called "to be young, gifted and black." They only heard it once. All day today Y1, my 6 year old was walking around the house singing "young, GRIFTY and black.. and thats a fact." Y2 my 3 year old was singing "young, GREASY and black.. thats a fact." Now there are so many reasons why thats just plain wrong.
I think the only reason why one would throw such a fine collection out is because of religious reasons. I myself don't see it. Music has only drawn me closer to Hashem. I love going into shabbat after listening to a nice piece of music. Music has helped my kavanah (spiritul intentions) before prair. I sure hope that person is a much better soul for what he did, I thank him all the same.
Now THAT is a post! I can't live without music, so I don't even try. There are many worse things in this world than having kids who are young, grifty/greasy and black....
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