I am the first to admit it, I love candy!! I don't think there is a day in my life where I didn't have at least one piece of candy. As long as it has sugar in it and a majority of ingredients that I can't pronounce I'm a big fan. There are too many favorites to be able to pick just one.
On camping trips my grandma would always give each kid a red rope licorice. It was good on its own, but there was one little trick to make it even that much better. Rubbing dirt all over it, leaving a fine dust, gave it just the right taste. The trick is to make sure the licorice is dry before dunking it in the dirt, than you have to shake off any big chunks.
On a long road trip with my parents and brother one of my fondest memories were two little Jolly Rancher candies, watermelon and green apple. The flavor just explodes in your mouth and it lasts till the last drop. That's the bonus of Jolly Rancher candies they are awesome from beginning to end. Unlike most gum where the good flavor only lasts for a short while.
That same grandma would also give us money for "Dales," (basically 7-11). 50 cents per child would usually get you: one starburst, one pack of sweet tarts, and a small pack of gum. I don't think I ever made it back to Grandma's house with anything left.
I was introduced to gummy bears through my cousin Ryan, he received a package for his birthday from some German friends. Wow! the harder the better. Red and white ones are the best.
Swedish Fish also rank up there among the best. They have to be the originals though. All of the counterfeit ones are garbage. Its such a let down every time you think you got the right one and than find out it's an imposter. My good friend MC Aryeah drove for over an hour, passing over at least 4 bridges just to send me a package of the real ones. That's a care package!!
Nabisco has let me down big time with Sweet tarts. They were the longest running favorite in my books. For some reason they can't make these guys Kosher. All the types were great: giant tarts, chewy, and the classic roll. I remember having a hurt tongue the day after licking the giant tarts.
I can't remember the name but there were these bottle cap type candies. They had about 10 silver dollar size candies in a clear long wrapper. Green apple and watermelon were the best. Banana was a bit of a gig.
I don't know if they still exist but they were pretty tasty. The first few minutes were good but than you were just left with a big ball of wax. The good old fashioned liquid flavored wax sticks!!
Now you say, ok where's the chocolate!! I hear it! There is no doubt about it I love Chocolate and have eaten my fair share. I could mention malt balls but there is always the down side to them. After about 20 to 25 you feel sick to your stomach and they don't taste that good anymore. Also every 5 to 6 of them you get a dud, it's kind of chewy rather than malt bally.
Every time I go to a dentist I get such good marks. "Wow you take pretty good care of your teeth hah? No cavities!!!!" "Do you floss?" no, not really "do you brush after every meal?" what? There are people that brush more than once a day??? "Do you get them checked every year or two?" I thought you are supposed to get them checked once every 8 years!!!! Most will argue it's because of good genes. I will let you in on a little secret to healthy teeth: lots of candies and lots of nail biting!!