triple diamond extravaganza
"Are we there yet?" I was so excited to get there. My parents explained to me what it is and all the fun things you could do with it. Some things though you have to experience on your own.
I couldn't wait to park the car, I just wanted to get out there to experience "snow." The car finally came to a stop. I was so excited, I didn't know what to do first. Should I start to make a snowman? Throw a snowball at my brother? Make an angel imprint? Go sledding? Make a snow cone? Build an igloo? Make yellow snow???? It was a major overload experience!!
The door flew open, I go running out of the car with a big red circular slay in hand ready to take on the mountain. Now you have to understand a few things here. The best runs usually aren't next to the places where you park the car, you usually have to walk a bit to the proper sledding areas. Secondly, those circular disks don't have the best steering capabilities. Thirdly, the steeper the slope the faster you will go. Fourthly, if you are moving at a high speed on a disc that you can't control that well, on a steep slope, in an area next to where you parked the car, a large tree is the worst method of slowing down.
Before anyone else was even able to exit the car, in record time I miraculously managed to sprain my arm. Now I have a few questions here. How was I able to get out of the car with a disc two times bigger than me so quickly? Was I driving up there with it on my lap? I don't think so! Did I not see the Forest of billions of trees about 10 feet from the start of my chosen run that would inevitable be my finish line? Most ski areas have different runs marked by signs like: Blue circle=easy, red square=intermediate, blue diamond=advanced , black diamond=hairy, double black diamond=insane, triple black diamond=death. Did I feel I was up for a triple black diamond run on my first red disc experience?
My parents and brother got out of the car like normal people and were now faced with a crying ball of snow. I'm not sure if they even saw what happened. After all it did occur within one minute of parking the car. All I can remember is the pain. I don't remember the joy of those three seconds of ultra high speed. I was moving though! I don't think I ever got the chance to make a snowball that day or even make an angel imprint.
The rest of that day was spent at the hospital. It could have been much worse, I left with a semi-broken arm and a big sticker for being a good sport. I will never forget my first "snow" experienc though! I still dislike those round discs. No matter what you do, you always end up going down the hill backwards.